Friday, March 6, 2009

Long Days

Well the days won't be so long as of Saturday because of the time change but they sure have felt long this week. On wednesday we went to a new park for us with the Weltys. This park was so awesome. Again I am impressed with Waco.
I have found a friend in one of the most unexpected places, our apartments. Lisa lives in our building. She has three children in school and his a stay at home mom. She came over last week for a couple of hours and yesterday for another 2! She is such a blessing. Her older two kids come to bible study.
Speaking of Bible Study. We need lots of prayers. The little kids are desperate to be involved and I had another mom approach me to see if her son could come. He is in third grade and I told her over and over again that it is for middle school kids. But guess who is coming monday night? A third grader. So here is what I am thinking. We start out with all the children outside with a big game of capture the flag (just an idea). Then after thirty minutes of playing we split into two groups. The guys next door will take the older kids and I will take the younger ones. Pray for more leaders. Pray for the children. Pray that God would grow the seeds in the children's hearts. Pray! I need help. I cannot do it by myself and I do not like asking for help. Not a good combo.

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