Tuesday, October 18, 2011

blog delay

Apparently I have maxed out my free picture posts to blogger. i am taking my time trying to decide what to do about this predicament. i like having family seeing pictures regularly of the kids. But at the same time I am tired of playing all these games with websites. They are drawing us in and then taking all our money. Hulu, Facebook, picassa, etc... If it is too good to be true, then it probably isn't.


Elizabeth M. Atkinson, LPC said...


Beth said...

what? never heard of such a thing?

Lindsay said...

that is so weird. i haven't had any problems with blogger about too many pictures...yet.

Anonymous said...

This happened to a friend of mine, and she just created a new Blogger account.

nicole said...

It happened to me last year. I paid the $5 and haven't gotten any other notices. But of course since I just typed that I'll get one very soon!