Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 6 Thankful for...

Uninhibited by social norms.
A friend and I were talking yesteday about children starting to become aware of what other people think. It seems to take place around four years old. However, one unique thing about Adam is he does his own thing. Today Tim took the boys to the World Hunger Farm. When they got home Adam went digging through his dresser to find his overalls. He wore them with no shirt and his flip flops and walked around with me as I shopped around this afternoon. He is always in character. If Ryan is two. He thinks he is spiderman when he wears the costume and is ready to fight. He wore it all day recently- At the mall, to the store, to get Adam at school. People loved it. In fact an elderly couple sat down with me at the playplace at the mall just to watch him play. Children are uninhibited by social norms. It brings so much laughter and joy in our home. There is much more to be said about this but just know I am thankful when I experience this boldness.

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