Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good bye Texans

Our tv busted Saturday just before the game. Everything in me wanted to go to Best Buy that very instant, sign up for a credit card and get an awesome flat screen. But I didn't. Because good things come to those who wait. Because I know our faithful loving God could use this broken tv in our lives to bless us.
While I was thinking he would bless us with a tv in whatever crazy glorifying way , time went on and along with the games (NFL). Sunday afternoon came and the Texans were playing soon. normally we would have gone home from church so the kids could count on a normal Sunday routine and Tim and I could watch the game and lounge around being unsociable... But a friend asked to watch the game at her house. Now if we are being honest I would have said no and so would have Tim. But without reluctance he said,'yes'. So we went. And boy were we blessed. Our friends made chili, corn bread, sweet tea. The kids played on the trampoline for hours. Caitlin's nails were painted and she was doted on. We had a great time and it was a great family memory.
The days continue with out tv. Ryan cries everyday about it. You would think someone died the way he acts about it.but he is four. He doesn't realize how special this time is...
I have let tv rob us of joys I didn't know we're there. I am not going to say we are going to replace it, because we are. But I am going to make an effort to be intentional about our activities together and with other families.
An this Sunday you better be ready for u to come watch the game with you :)

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