I did these paintings in high school. Now years later I sit looking at them am it brings back a flood of memories. One, I did them during a snow storm my senior year. The last snow storm we had before that was four years before. I was in eighth grade and I believe we missed a record number of days for snow. But it is a winter break none of us forgot because it was the winter we lost William. Everyone loved him and when he passed away to say that it rocked our lives was an understatement.
It was hard to move on.
Then I remember how I pumped out the for Beatles paintings during this winter storm. I think part of me was trying to be productive and busy- which I have found are my coping methods for pain and suffering. I was desperate. The emotions of an 18 year old, reminders of William that come with snow, a desire to create and be a part of something big...
I remember how popular the sixties were in middle school. Yes I wore bell bottoms and loved them. I listened to the forest gump sound track and of course to the Beatles over and over again. I am not even sure I liked them. I just believed that cool people knew Beatles songs. O I also really liked the now and then cd!!!
I enjoy art. Maybe at one point I had something but I haven't done anything since high school. Practice is everything's when you are my age.
Now I see these pictures and I see they aren't great. But so much went into them. I can't bear throw them out. It is almost as if they are a part of me. But I won't mind if my kids throw them away one day.
There is a depth to them. Complicated. Like life.
Don draper would understand. He would let me keep them. He would even hang them up for me.
Mary Mac, I love them. We will hang them up proudly.
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