Friday, February 10, 2012

The Real Domestic Goddess

First of all, it is friday. Go get this book at the library, a diet coke from McDs or a cup of coffee or wine, whatever and enjoy the weekend! This a fun easy peasy book. Especially for busy women. Let me just go ahead and say, Malea you will NOT like this book.
Meet Dawn, the domestic goddess. Seriously, she holds some of the greatest house cleaning secrets. I know vinegar is a lot of people's favorite. I prefer dawn and most people have dawn (or dish soap) out by their sink and readily available.

 Besides using dawn to wash dishes you can use it to wash windows and mirrors STREAK FREE! This is how I do it but you can google other ways: wet a paper towel. put a little dawn on it. wash the glass. then I use a damp paper towel to rinse after. it looks like their are streaks everywhere but then it evaporates leaving the glass shiny and streak free.
 Grab an old tooth brush, wet it, give it a drop of dawn and scrub your diamonds for a just like new shine.
Also you can use it to clean countertops- even granite ones!
It can also be used for potty mouths. And one of the real housewives on Bravo used it to clean a chicken before she cooked it...(don't try that).

1 comment:

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