Friday, January 29, 2010

Its been awhile

The older the boys get the busier we get. Every minute seems to get taken away with all kinds of things. We have gone almost all week without any tv. Today we went to a Mcdonalds with a tv. Adam was sitting in his chair mesemorized. Later he was playing on the play area and I looked over and he was sitting on top of one of the 'toys'? and watching the tv, but he was so tired he had a glazed look in his eye and was leaning back. He would have fallen asleep and busted his head had someone not engaged him.

So I know I can be snobby about things. When I had Adam I was snobby about tv. Then I got pregnant with Ryan and it all went out the window. but tim and I both noticed a difference in Adam after he watched tv. He can be extremely difficult. So we decided to cut the tv off for awhile. and he is a new child. It wasn't necessarily what he was watching. It is just tv period. We call it TV brain.

I think I get computer brain. eek!

1 comment:

Rachael Davis said...

We have found the exact same thing to be true when Lana watches doesn't seem to matter what it is that she watches; whenever it goes off, her attitude stinks. We turned the cable off - now it's a non-issue. There ARE no cartoons to watch!
Love ya, girl. Pass along any tips on this boy-raising thing.